Friday, March 4, 2011


Ok, so I am on day 6 of a 10 day prescription of 200mg Prometrium.  Yesterday I took it, along with my other daily medications (unrelated to PCOS) and had a horrible reaction.  I took it when I took my 11 year old son to breakfast.  Now, I am supposed to take the Prometrium at night...but I forgot it the night before so I did what the instructions said and "took as soon as I remembered."  Thankfully we were not far from home, because it affected me so bad that I could not walk straight, much less drive.  Ethan ended up driving home, sitting on my lap....where I was almost in a comatose stage.  He later told me of how he ran off the road one time on the way home...which I don't remember happening.  I do remember when we got home, I stumbled through the yard as if I were extremely drunk.  I called Ryan and obviously he was concerned with my slurred speech, so he came home to find me passed out in the bed.  He called my fertility doctor and they said not to mix the medicines again and to only take at night time.

Well, that bring us to last night.  I took my medicine (the Prometrium only) just before going to lay down.  I read only about 4 pages in my book before I began to get sleepy.  I woke up at 12am with slurred speech and was unable to walk.  Ryan had to help me walk to the bathroom and back to bed, where I was restless and feeling drunk again.  My back was killing me which didn't help with my tossing and turning :( 
Obviously this reaction I am having is a result of the Prometrium and has nothing to do with my other medicines in conjuction with it.

I looked up some more info on Prometrium and under the "serious but rare side effects" section it listed slurred speech and difficulty walking.  I have a call into my doctor.  Needless to say I will not be taking the rest of this medicine.  I hope 6 days of it was enough to make me have a period, ugh!

1 comment:

  1. After speaking with my doctor...they have me taking half the dosage I have been taking, I sure hope tonight goes better!
