Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cross my fingers, hope not to die.... while I stick a needle in my thigh

Well, decision has been made...all eggs are in one basket.  We are going with the one shot IVF.  Based on egg quality and quantity, age and sperm quality...the doctors have given us an approximate 87% chance of success.  That's a high number.  So that's that.  Ryan and I talked about it and this is the route we are taking...and we feel pretty good about it.  Yes, I would love to have the safety net that costs $4000...

Birth control pills will start on Friday 4/22 and I will be on continuous active pills until I go for my medication teaching on May 23rd.  This is when I get to start poking myself with needles everyday for weeks on end. This is when I will go through $2500 worth of medication in 10 days (yikes!)

Anyway... with us taking the one shot option, I am asking everyone who reads this to say a little prayer for us.  Send us all the positive energy and good luck that you can muster up!  :) 


Unless something changes, I will blog again after the end of May!

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