Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Follow Instructions Yvonne, Follow Instructions!

Instructions: Take last birth control pill on 5/29/11
What I did: Put "Stop birth control pills" on the calendar for 5/29/11.

When I looked at my IVF calendar I made, I couldn't figure out if I was supposed to actually take a pill on the 29th or not take on on the 29th.  My doctor office was closed, because the 29th fell on a Sunday and I had no way of contacting my IVF coordinator.  So, I just didn't take the pill for the 29th.  What is 1 day gonna hurt?

I thought no more about it until today...Wednesday June 1st.  My period has become extremely heavy and not knowing if this was normal or not, I decided to call my doctors office.  Thankfully this bleeding is completely normal and they will see me on Friday for my baseline ultrasound!  While on the phone I mentioned to my coordinator that I had stopped the pill on Saturday instead of Sunday.  She said that hopefully it would not cause a problem but put me on hold to check with my doctor.  When she returned to the line to say that Dr. Deaton thought it would be long as my body had not already determined that one follicle would be dominant.  During IVF preparation, this is very important.  They don't want 1 dominant follicle...they want all follicles to grow as much as they can.  I am now learning that the birth control pills help with controlling this process. 

So, in a nutshell... on Friday of this week he will be able to tell.  If I have a dominant follicle...this cycle will be canceled and I will have to wait until July or possibly August :(  If all is well and there is no dominate cycle, then we proceed as normal. (fingers crossed!)

The directions to follow during IVF prep are very detailed.  It is stressful looking at all the directions and being fearful of one little mistake you could easily make.  Please tell me I did not screw this up with one little tiny birth control pill.....

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